Credit Scores and credit reports play a vital role in the life of most Americans today. It determines the interest rates consumers pay for the credit card, mortgages and car loans and can ascertain if they qualify for a loan or not. Your credit report may get a makeover as the three big reporting agencies (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion) are doing things a little differently and have started excluding certain items from your credit report that used to damage your credit. This comes in the wake of a study by the New York…continue reading →
Millennials (people aged 18-34) don’t fully understand what impacts a credit score than older generations but according to a recent study it does not stop them from trying to improve their credit. They check their credit scores most and are trying actively to build and improve their scores according to Discover’s 2018 Credit Survey of US consumers. If your credit score is lower than what you would like it to be then you are not alone as credit scores are influenced by many factors like a long credit history (35%,), level of debt…continue reading →