How to Detect Identity Theft on Your Credit Reports If you discover some information in your credit report that’s not yours, it could be the result of a file merger error. Statistics show that the majority of people have errors in their credit report. This implies that somebody else’s credit knowledge has been merged with yours.  It may sound awful. So, before you jump to conclusions it will be helpful to understand that there are two main types of incorrect information in your credit report.  Honest Mistakes: It can be due to a…continue reading →
Well a lot of people actually do not understand what exactly credit repair is. So, how can one deal with it? Dealing with credit repair may not seem to be an easy procedure, but in reality it is not that complicated too. Just read on to get a fair idea about how you can do so in the long run. The first thing that you need is to get a Credit Report from any of the well known credit agencies like Experian, Equifax or TransUnion. You can get one from each if you…continue reading →