A late payment is simply a payment that you have not made to the lender before the due date. This happens to the best of us as we can make mistakes due to oversight or shortage of cash. Unfortunately, these mistakes will negatively affect your credit score and cause it to drop dramatically as your payment history is the key component used to calculate your credit score. In this article, we will discuss how late payments affect your credit score, the other potential penalties, and tips on how to keep your future credit…continue reading →
Are you worried that your medical bills will harm your credit score? The answer is that determining the impact of your medical bills on your credit report and credit scores is not a perfect science. It depends on an individual’s credit history which will be factored into the formula for determining one’s credit score. Here we are going to examine how unpaid medical bills can impact your credit score. The Danger of Ignoring Medical Bills You may maintain good health insurance and do everything you are supposed to do like choosing in-network doctors…continue reading →
There are many reasons why a business credit card can be invaluable for small business owners. Besides building commercial credit and earning rewards for office supplies it can also make cash flow easier to manage and allows them to put expenses on credit that can be paid later when they are paid by their customers. No doubt business credit cards offer rewards and benefits that are more suited to the needs of small companies, but how does its use affect your credit scores? The answer is not just a simple “yes” or “no.”…continue reading →
Plenty of homeowners would like to pay off their mortgage early as it is a hassle and a headache. It's their largest monthly payment and takes out a good chunk out of their budget. It is understandable as there are many reasons to pay off your mortgage early. It will not only help you save hundreds (even thousands) in interest but will also help you feel secure at the thought of owning your own home. At the same time, there are benefits of not paying your home loan ahead of schedule. The approach…continue reading →
Credit Cards are a keystone of Americans’ purchasing habits. They are no doubt the best financial tool available today as it is easy to carry, provides funds for an emergency and increases your credit scores. However, like any other financial product credit cards do seem to create a certain amount of anxiety. A Nerd Wallet survey found that a surprising number of Americans are struggling with basic credit card issues ranging from credit scores to revolving debt to reward cards. This is due to the fact that credit cards are surrounded by…continue reading →
Millennials (people aged 18-34) don’t fully understand what impacts a credit score than older generations but according to a recent study it does not stop them from trying to improve their credit. They check their credit scores most and are trying actively to build and improve their scores according to Discover’s 2018 Credit Survey of US consumers. If your credit score is lower than what you would like it to be then you are not alone as credit scores are influenced by many factors like a long credit history (35%,), level of debt…continue reading →
Living in a dynamic century, the ‘Woman of Today’ is in search of a responsible life partner who can manage his money. Your credit score says a lot about your character. Very few of us are free from debt issues but one who pays his debts responsibly is a better option as it increases your chances of finding long lasting love.
A Survey Report in a US newspaper revealed that 9 out of 10 people consider financial security an important factor for getting married. According to New York Times more people are adding credit scores to their social filters A couple benefits in the long run if they have a responsible approach to finances.
Life in the modern world without using financial services is simply unrealistic and access to debt is essential for a middle class life. Sometimes when money problems come to light late in a relationship it can lead to separation and divorce. A good credit score will have a great impact on your love life and can lead you to happiness.
Debt impacts your family life in many ways:
- Burden of debt will affect your contribution to household expenses or even your entertainment and holidays.
- It can prevent you from buying a home of your choice. Your own home indicates a financial stability and commitment.
- Having kids is a milestone that cements many relationships, but severe debt problems can put a break on this next step and results in marriage breakups.
To make your credit score more appealing and getting out of debt should be your priority for a carefree and happy life. We at ZINU CREDIT REPAIR offer valuable assistance for managing your finance.
Ring us at (800) 400-ZINU(9468) to know more. (more…)
Well a lot of people actually do not understand what exactly credit repair is. So, how can one deal with it? Dealing with credit repair may not seem to be an easy procedure, but in reality it is not that complicated too. Just read on to get a fair idea about how you can do so in the long run. The first thing that you need is to get a Credit Report from any of the well known credit agencies like Experian, Equifax or TransUnion. You can get one from each if you…continue reading →
Here are a few of the many myths that are busted about rebuilding credit. You must have read and heard a lot about debt management, debt settlement, and credit score. The question is that do these terms mean anything or are they just layman terms? Can credit be repaired in reality? The answer to these questions can be found in them only. It is correct you need to research a little. If you are in trouble with your debts, get an answer to these questions. This article will give you an idea. Increasing…continue reading →
If there is an unstable economy in the state then the individual finds it tough to get a credit card. Whether it be a home loan or business loan, it becomes a bit harder to get it approved, due to bad credit score. The credit card company does look at multiple factors when they take up a decision. Credit worthiness It is also necessary to look up the credit worthiness, but some credit card companies do look into more detailing. Amount of debt that an individual has as his outstanding amount. It is…continue reading →